Source code for autocomplete_light.autocomplete.base

from __future__ import unicode_literals

import six
from django.urls import reverse, NoReverseMatch
from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
from django.utils.encoding import force_text
from django.utils.html import escape
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _

__all__ = ('AutocompleteInterface', 'AutocompleteBase')

[docs]class AutocompleteInterface(object): """ An autocomplete proposes "choices". A choice has a "value". When the user selects a "choice", then it is converted to a "value". AutocompleteInterface is the minimum to implement in a custom Autocomplete class usable by the widget and the view. It has two attributes: .. py:attribute:: values A list of values which :py:meth:`~.base.AutocompleteInterface.validate_values` and :py:meth:`~.base.AutocompleteInterface.choices_for_values` should use. .. py:attribute:: request A request object which :py:meth:`~.base.AutocompleteInterface.autocomplete_html()` should use. It is recommended that you inherit from :py:class:`~.base.AutocompleteBase` instead when making your own classes because it has taken some design decisions favorising a DRY implementation of :py:class:`~.base.AutocompleteInterface`. Instanciate an Autocomplete with a given ``request`` and ``values`` arguments. ``values`` will be casted to list if necessary and both will be assigned to instance attributes :py:attr:`~AutocompleteInterface.request` and :py:attr:`~AutocompleteInterface.values` respectively. """ def __init__(self, request=None, values=None): self.request = request if values is None: self.values = [] elif (isinstance(values, six.string_types) or not hasattr(values, '__iter__')): self.values = [values] else: self.values = values
[docs] def autocomplete_html(self): """ Return the HTML autocomplete that should be displayed under the text input. :py:attr:`request` can be used, if set. """ raise NotImplemented()
[docs] def validate_values(self): """ Return True if :py:attr:`values` are all valid. """ raise NotImplemented()
[docs] def choices_for_values(self): """ Return the list of choices corresponding to :py:attr:`values`. """ raise NotImplemented()
[docs] def get_absolute_url(self): """ Return the absolute url for this autocomplete, using autocomplete_light_autocomplete url. """ try: return reverse('autocomplete_light_autocomplete', args=(self.__class__.__name__,)) except NoReverseMatch: # Such error will ruin form rendering. It would be automatically # silenced because of e.silent_variable_failure=True, which is # something we don't want. Let's give the user a hint: raise ImproperlyConfigured("URL lookup for autocomplete '%s' " "failed. Have you included autocomplete_light.urls in " "your" % (self.__class__.__name__,))
[docs]class AutocompleteBase(AutocompleteInterface): """ A basic implementation of AutocompleteInterface that renders HTML and should fit most cases. It only needs overload of :py:meth:`~.base.AutocompleteBase.choices_for_request` and :py:meth:`~.base.AutocompleteInterface.choices_for_values` which is the business-logic. .. py:attribute:: choice_html_format HTML string used to format a python choice in HTML by :py:meth:`~.base.AutocompleteBase.choice_html`. It is formated with two positionnal parameters: the value and the html representation, respectively generated by :py:meth:`~.base.AutocompleteBase.choice_value` and :py:meth:`~.base.AutocompleteBase.choice_label`. Default is:: <span data-value="%s">%s</span> .. py:attribute:: empty_html_format HTML string used to format the message "no matches found" if no choices match the current request. It takes a parameter for the translated message. Default is:: <span class="block"><em>%s</em></span> .. py:attribute:: autocomplete_html_format HTML string used to format the list of HTML choices. It takes a positionnal parameter which contains the list of HTML choices which come from :py:meth:`~.base.AutocompleteBase.choice_html`. Default is:: %s .. py:attribute:: add_another_url_name Name of the url to add another choice via a javascript popup. If empty then no "add another" link will appear. .. py:attribute:: add_another_url_kwargs Keyword arguments to use when reversing the add another url. .. py:attribute:: widget_template A special attribute used only by the widget. If it is set, the widget will use that instead of the default ``autocomplete_light/widget.html``. """ choice_html_format = '<span data-value="%s">%s</span>' empty_html_format = '<span class="block"><em>%s</em></span>' autocomplete_html_format = '%s' add_another_url_name = None add_another_url_kwargs = None
[docs] def get_add_another_url(self): """ Return the url to use when adding another element """ if self.add_another_url_name: url = reverse(self.add_another_url_name, kwargs=self.add_another_url_kwargs) return url + '?_popup=1' else: return None
[docs] def choices_for_request(self): """ Return the list of choices that are available. Uses :py:attr:`request` if set, this method is used by :py:meth:`~.base.AutocompleteBase.autocomplete_html`. """ raise NotImplemented()
[docs] def validate_values(self): """ This basic implementation returns True if all :py:attr:`~AutocompleteInterface.values` are in :py:meth:`~.base.AutocompleteInterface.choices_for_values`. """ return len(self.choices_for_values()) == len(self.values)
[docs] def autocomplete_html(self): """ Simple rendering of the autocomplete. It will append the result of :py:meth:`~.base.AutocompleteBase.choice_html` for each choice returned by :py:meth:`~.base.AutocompleteBase.choices_for_request`, and wrap that in :py:attr:`autocomplete_html_format`. """ html = ''.join( [self.choice_html(c) for c in self.choices_for_request()]) if not html: html = self.empty_html_format % _('No matches found') return self.autocomplete_html_format % html
[docs] def choice_html(self, choice): """ Format a choice using :py:attr:`choice_html_format`. """ return self.choice_html_format % ( escape(self.choice_value(choice)), escape(self.choice_label(choice)))
[docs] def choice_value(self, choice): """ Return the value of a choice. This simple implementation returns the textual representation. """ return force_text(choice)
[docs] def choice_label(self, choice): """ Return the human-readable representation of a choice. This simple implementation returns the textual representation. """ return force_text(choice)