

Credit: django.contrib.admin (BSD)

$(document).ready(function() {
    var showAddAnotherPopup = function(triggeringLink) {
        var name = triggeringLink.attr( 'id' ).replace(/^add_/, '');
        name = id_to_windowname(name);
        href = triggeringLink.attr( 'href' );

        if (href.indexOf('?') === -1) {
            href += '?';

        href += '&winName=' + name;

        var height = 500;
        var width = 800;
        var left = (screen.width/2)-(width/2);
        var top = (screen.height/2)-(height/2);
        var win =, name, 'toolbar=no, location=no, directories=no, status=no, menubar=no, scrollbars=yes, resizable=yes, copyhistory=no, width='+width+', height='+height+', top='+top+', left='+left)

        function removeOverlay() {
            if (win.closed) {
            } else {
                setTimeout(removeOverlay, 500);

        $('body').append('<div id="yourlabs_overlay"></div');
        $('#yourlabs_overlay').click(function() { 

        setTimeout(removeOverlay, 1500);

        return false;

    var dismissAddAnotherPopup = function(win, newId, newRepr) {

newId and newRepr are expected to have previously been escaped by

        newId = html_unescape(newId);
        newRepr = html_unescape(newRepr);
        var name = windowname_to_id(;
        var elem = document.getElementById(name);

        if (elem) {
            if ($(elem).is('select')) {
                var o = new Option(newRepr, newId);
                elem.options[elem.options.length] = o;
                o.selected = true;
        } else {
            alert('Could not get input id for win ' + name);


    window.dismissAddAnotherPopup = dismissAddAnotherPopup

    var html_unescape = function(text) {

Unescape a string that was escaped using django.utils.html.escape.

        text = text.replace(/</g, '');
        text = text.replace(/"/g, '"');
        text = text.replace(/'/g, '\'');
        text = text.replace(/&/g, '&');
        return text;

IE doesn't accept periods or dashes in the window name, but the element IDs we use to generate popup window names may contain them, therefore we map them to allowed characters in a reversible way so that we can locate the correct element when the popup window is dismissed.

    var id_to_windowname = function(text) {
        text = text.replace(/\./g, '__dot__');
        text = text.replace(/\-/g, '__dash__');
        text = text.replace(/\[/g, '__braceleft__');
        text = text.replace(/\]/g, '__braceright__');
        return text;

    var windowname_to_id = function(text) {
        text = text.replace(/__dot__/g, '.');
        text = text.replace(/__dash__/g, '-');
        text = text.replace(/__braceleft__/g, '[');
        text = text.replace(/__braceright__/g, ']');
        return text;

    $( '.autocomplete-add-another' ).show().click(function(e) {
        e.preventDefault(  );
        showAddAnotherPopup( $( this ) );