Welcome to django-autocomplete-light's documentation! ===================================================== Features -------- This app fills all your ajax autocomplete needs: - global navigation autocomplete like on http://betspire.com - autocomplete widget for ModelChoiceField and ModelMultipleChoiceField - **0 hack** required for admin integration, just use a form that uses the widget - **no jQuery-ui** required, the autocomplete script is as simple as possible - **all** the design of the autocompletes is encapsulated in template, unlimited design possibilities - **99%** of the python logic is encapsulated in "channel" classes, unlimited development possibilities - **99%** the javascript logic is encapsulated in a class, you can override any attribute or method, unlimited development possibilities - **0 inline javascript** you can load the javascript just before for best page loading performance - **simple** python, html and javascript, easy to hack - **less sucking** code, no funny hacks, clean api, as few code as possible, that also means this is not for pushovers Full documentation ------------------ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 quick forms navigation When things go wrong -------------------- If you don't know how to debug, you should learn to use: Firebug javascript debugger Open the script tab, select a script, click on the left of the code to place a breakpoint Ipdb python debugger Install ipdb with pip, and place in your python code: import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace() If you are able to do that, then you are a professional, enjoy autocomplete_light !!! If you need help, open an issue on the `github issues page `_. But make sure you've read `how to report bugs effectively `_ and `how to ask smart questions `_. Also, don't hesitate to do pull requests ! Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`