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The channel.base module provides a channel class which you can extend to make
your own channel. It also serves as default channel class.

from django.core import urlresolvers
from django.template import loader
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _

__all__ = ('ChannelBase',)

[docs]class ChannelBase(object): """ A basic implementation of a channel, which should fit most use cases. Attributes: model The model class this channel serves. If None, a new class will be created in registry.register, and the model attribute will be set in that subclass. So you probably don't need to worry about it, just know that it's there for you to use. result_template The template to use in result_as_html method, to render a single autocomplete suggestion. By default, it is autocomplete_light/channelname/result.html or autocomplete_light/result.html. autocomplete_template The template to use in render_autocomplete method, to render the autocomplete box. By default, it is autocomplete_light/channelname/autocomplete.html or autocomplete_light/autocomplete.html. search_field The name of the field that the default implementation of query_filter uses. Default is 'name'. limit_results The number of results that this channel should return. For example, if query_filter returns 50 results and that limit_results is 20, then the first 20 of 50 results will be rendered. Default is 20. bootstrap The name of the bootstrap kind. By default, deck.js will only initialize decks for wrappers that have data-bootstrap="normal". If you want to implement your own bootstrapping logic in javascript, then you set bootstrap to anything that is not "normal". Default is 'normal'. placeholder The initial text in the autocomplete text input. """ model = None search_field = 'name' limit_results = 20 bootstrap = 'normal' placeholder = _(u'type some text to search in this autocomplete') result_template = None autocomplete_template = None def __init__(self): """ Set result_template and autocomplete_template if necessary. """ name = self.__class__.__name__.lower() if not self.result_template: self.result_template = [ 'autocomplete_light/%s/result.html' % name, 'autocomplete_light/result.html', ] if not self.autocomplete_template: self.autocomplete_template = [ 'autocomplete_light/%s/autocomplete.html' % name, 'autocomplete_light/autocomplete.html', ] self.request = None
[docs] def get_absolute_url(self): """ Return the absolute url for this channel, using autocomplete_light_channel url """ return urlresolvers.reverse('autocomplete_light_channel', args=( self.__class__.__name__,))
[docs] def as_dict(self): """ Return a dict of variables for this channel, it is used by javascript. """ return { 'url': self.get_absolute_url(), 'name': self.__class__.__name__ }
[docs] def init_for_request(self, request, *args, **kwargs): """ Set self.request, self.args and self.kwargs, useful in query_filter. """ self.request = request self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs
[docs] def query_filter(self, results): """ Filter results using the request. By default this will expect results to be a queryset, and will filter it with self.search_field + '__icontains'=self.request['q']. """ q = self.request.GET.get('q', None) if q: kwargs = {"%s__icontains" % self.search_field: q} results = results.filter(**kwargs) return results
[docs] def values_filter(self, results, values): """ Filter results based on a list of values. By default this will expect values to be an iterable of model ids, and results to be a queryset. Thus, it will return a queryset where pks are in values. """ results = results.filter(pk__in=values) return results
[docs] def get_queryset(self): """ Return a queryset for the channel model. """ return self.model.objects.all()
[docs] def get_results(self, values=None): """ Return an iterable of result to display in the autocomplete box. By default, it will: - call self.get_queryset(), - call values_filter() if values is not None, - call query_filter() if self.request is set, - call order_results(), - return a slice from offset 0 to self.limit_results. """ results = self.get_queryset() if values is not None: # used by the widget to prerender existing values results = self.values_filter(results, values) elif self.request: # used by the autocomplete results = self.query_filter(results) return self.order_results(results)[0:self.limit_results]
[docs] def order_results(self, results): """ Return the result list after ordering. By default, it expects results to be a queryset and order it by search_field. """ return results.order_by(self.search_field).distinct()
[docs] def are_valid(self, values): """ Return True if the values are valid. By default, expect values to be a list of object ids, return True if all the ids are found in the queryset. """ return self.get_queryset().filter(pk__in=values).count() == len(values)
[docs] def result_as_html(self, result, extra_context=None): """ Return the html representation of a result for display in the deck and autocomplete box. By default, render result_template with channel and result in the context. """ context = { 'channel': self, 'result': result, 'value': self.result_as_value(result), } context.update(extra_context or {}) return loader.render_to_string(self.result_template, context)
[docs] def result_as_value(self, result): """ Return the value that should be set to the widget field for a result. By default, return """ return
[docs] def render_autocomplete(self): """ Render the autocomplete suggestion box. By default, render self.autocomplete_template with the channel in the context. """ return loader.render_to_string(self.autocomplete_template, { 'channel': self, })

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