Source code for

from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType

from autocomplete_light.generic import GenericForeignKeyField
from .base import ChannelBase

__all__ = ['GenericChannelBase']

[docs]class GenericChannelBase(ChannelBase): """ Wraps around multiple querysets, from multiple model classes, rather than just one. This is also interresting as it overrides **all** the default model logic from ChannelBase. Hell, you could even copy it and make your CSVChannelBase, a channel that uses a CSV file as backend. But only if you're really bored or for a milion dollars. """
[docs] def result_as_value(self, result): """ Rely on GenericForeignKeyField to return a string containing the content type id and object id of the result. Because this channel is made for that field, and to avoid code duplication. """ field = GenericForeignKeyField() return field.prepare_value(result)
[docs] def order_results(self, results): """ Return results, **without** doing any ordering. In most cases, you would not have to override this method as querysets should be ordered by default, based on model.Meta.ordering. """ return results # can't order because don't know what model type
[docs] def get_results(self, values=None): """ Return results for each queryset returned by get_querysets(). Note that it limits each queryset's to self.limit_result. If you want a maximum of 12 suggestions and have a total of 4 querysets, then self.limit_results should be set to 3. """ for model, queryset in self.get_querysets().items(): if values is not None: queryset = self.values_filter(queryset, values) elif self.request: queryset = self.query_filter(queryset) for result in self.order_results(queryset)[0:self.limit_results]: yield result
[docs] def are_valid(self, values): """ Return True if it can find all the models refered by values. """ for value in values: # some nice Q action could be done here content_type_id, object_id = value.split('-') model = ContentType.objects.get_for_id( content_type_id).model_class() if not model.objects.filter(pk=object_id).count(): return False return True
[docs] def values_filter(self, results, values): """ Filter out any result from results that is not refered to by values. """ ctype = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(results.model).pk ids = [x.split('-')[1] for x in values if int(x.split('-')[0]) == ctype] return results.filter(pk__in=ids)

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