Source code for autocomplete_light.forms

A couple of helper functions to help enabling AutocompleteWidget in ModelForms.
from django.forms.models import modelform_factory as django_modelform_factory
from django.db.models import ForeignKey, OneToOneField

from .widgets import AutocompleteWidget
from .registry import registry

__all__ = ['get_widgets_dict', 'modelform_factory']

[docs]def get_widgets_dict(model, autocomplete_exclude=None): """ Return a dict of field_name: widget_instance for model that is compatible with Django. autocomplete_exclude the list of model field names to ignore Inspect the model's field and many to many fields, calls registry.channel_for_model to get the channel for the related model. If a channel is returned, then an AutocompleteWidget will be spawned using this channel. The dict is usable by ModelForm.Meta.widgets. In django 1.4, with modelform_factory too. """ if autocomplete_exclude is None: autocomplete_exclude = [] widgets = {} for field in model._meta.fields: if in autocomplete_exclude: continue if not isinstance(field, (ForeignKey, OneToOneField)): continue channel = registry.channel_for_model( if not channel: continue widgets[] = AutocompleteWidget(channel_name=channel.__name__, max_items=1) for field in model._meta.many_to_many: if in autocomplete_exclude: continue channel = registry.channel_for_model( if not channel: continue widgets[] = AutocompleteWidget(channel_name=channel.__name__) return widgets
[docs]def modelform_factory(model, autocomplete_exclude=None, **kwargs): """ Wraps around Django's django_modelform_factory, using get_widgets_dict. Basically, it will use the dict returned by get_widgets_dict in order and pass it to django's modelform_factory, and return the resulting modelform. """ widgets = get_widgets_dict(model, autocomplete_exclude=autocomplete_exclude) widgets.update(kwargs.pop('widgets', {})) kwargs['widgets'] = widgets return django_modelform_factory(model, **kwargs)

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