When things go wrong

There is a convenience view to visualize the registry, login as staff, and open the autocomplete url, for example: /autocomplete_light/.

Ensure that:

  • jquery is loaded,
  • autocomplete_light/static.html is included once, it should load autocomplete.js, widget.js and style.css,
  • your form uses autocomplete_light widgets,
  • your channels are properly defined see /autocomplete/ if you included autocomplete_light.urls with prefix /autocomplete/.

If you don’t know how to debug, you should learn to use:

Firebug javascript debugger
Open the script tab, select a script, click on the left of the code to place a breakpoint
Ipdb python debugger
Install ipdb with pip, and place in your python code: import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()

If you are able to do that, then you are a professional, enjoy autocomplete_light !!!

If you need help, open an issue on the github issues page.

But make sure you’ve read how to report bugs effectively and how to ask smart questions.

Also, don’t hesitate to do pull requests !