CharField autocompletes

django-tagging and derivates like django-tagging-ng provide a TagField, which is a CharField expecting comma separated tags. Behind the scenes, this field is parsed and Tag model instances are created and/or linked.

A stripped variant of widget.js, text_widget.js, enables autocompletion for such a field. To make it even easier, a stripped variant of Widget, TextWidget, automates configuration of text_widget.js.

Needless to say, TextWidget and text_widget.js have a structure that is consistent with Widget and widget.js.

It doesn’t have many features for now, but feel free to participate to the project on GitHub.

As usual, a working example lives in test_project. in app charfield_autocomplete.


Note that this feature was added in version 1.0.16, if you have overloaded autocomplete_light/static.html from a previous version then you should make it load autocomplete_light/text_widget.js to get this new feature.


This demonstrates a working usage of TextWidget:

from django import forms

import autocomplete_light

from models import Taggable

class TaggableForm(forms.ModelForm):
    class Meta:
        model = Taggable
        widgets = {
        	'tags': autocomplete_light.TextWidget('TagAutocomplete'),

FTR, using the form in the admin is still as easy:

from django.contrib import admin

from forms import TaggableForm
from models import Taggable

class TaggableAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    form = TaggableForm
    list_display = ['name', 'tags'], TaggableAdmin)

So is registering an Autocomplete for Tag:

from tagging.models import Tag

import autocomplete_light



This demonstrates the models setup used for the above example, using django-taggit, which provides a normal CharField behaviour:

from django.db import models

from tagging.fields import TagField
import tagging

class Taggable(models.Model):
	name = models.CharField(max_length=50)
	tags = TagField(null=True, blank=True)

	def __unicode__(self):

tagging.register(Taggable, tag_descriptor_attr='etags')


django-taggit does it slightly differently. It is supported by autocomplete_light as of 1.0.25, using the autocomplete_light.contrib.taggit_tagfield module.