Welcome to django-autocomplete-light’s documentation!¶

Django 4.2 support starting DAL 3.10, support for earlier Django versions in DAL < 3.10
Django (multiple) choice support,
Django (multiple) model choice support,
Django generic foreign key support (through django-querysetsequence),
Django generic many to many relation support (through django-generic-m2m and django-gm2m)
Multiple widget support: select2.js, easy to add more.
Creating choices that don’t exist in the autocomplete,
Offering choices that depend on other fields in the form, in an elegant and innovative way,
Dynamic widget creation (ie. inlines), supports YOUR custom scripts too,
Provides a test API for your awesome autocompletes, to support YOUR custom use cases too,
A documented automatically tested example for each use case in test_project.
For Security issues, please contact yourlabs-security@googlegroups.com
- Install
- Tutorial
- Overview
- Create an autocomplete view
- Register the autocomplete view
- Use the view in a Form widget
- Passing options to select2
- Using autocompletes in the admin
- Using autocompletes outside the admin
- Displaying results using custom HTML
- Displaying selected result differently than in list
- Overriding javascript code
- Listening for the initialization of a specific input
- Creation of new choices in the autocomplete form
- Filtering results based on the value of other fields in the form
- Building blocks for custom logic
- Autocompleting based on a List of Strings