Source code for autocomplete_light.widgets

from __future__ import unicode_literals

from django import forms
from django.template.loader import render_to_string
from django.utils import safestring
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _

The provided widgets are meant to rely on an Autocomplete class.

- :py:class:`ChoiceWidget` :py:class:`django:django.forms.Select`

ChoiceWidget is intended to work as a replacement for django's Select widget,
and MultipleChoiceWidget for django's SelectMultiple,

Constructing a widget needs an Autocomplete class or registered autocomplete

The choice autocomplete widget renders from autocomplete_light/widget.html

    from django.forms.utils import flatatt
except ImportError:
    from django.forms.util import flatatt

__all__ = ['WidgetBase', 'ChoiceWidget', 'MultipleChoiceWidget', 'TextWidget']

[docs]class WidgetBase(object): """ Base widget for autocompletes. .. py:attribute:: attrs HTML ``<input />`` attributes, such as class, placeholder, etc ... Note that any ``data-autocomplete-*`` attribute will be parsed as an option for ``yourlabs.Autocomplete`` js object. For example:: attrs={ 'placeholder': 'foo', 'data-autocomplete-minimum-characters': 0 'class': 'bar', } Will render like:: <input placeholder="foo" data-autocomplete-minimum-characters="0" class="autocomplete bar" /> Which will set by the way ``yourlabs.Autocomplete.minimumCharacters`` option - the naming conversion is handled by jQuery. .. py:attribute:: widget_attrs HTML widget container attributes. Note that any ``data-widget-*`` attribute will be parsed as an option for ``yourlabs.Widget`` js object. For example:: widget_attrs={ 'data-widget-maximum-values': 6, 'class': 'country-autocomplete', } Will render like:: <span id="country-wrapper" data-widget-maximum-values="6" class="country-autocomplete autcomplete-light-widget" /> Which will set by the way ``yourlabs.Widget.maximumValues`` - note that the naming conversion is handled by jQuery. .. py:attribute:: widget_js_attributes **DEPRECATED** in favor of :py:attr::`widget_attrs`. A dict of options that will override the default widget options. For example:: widget_js_attributes = {'max_values': 8} The above code will set this HTML attribute:: data-max-values="8" Which will override the default javascript widget maxValues option (which is 0). It is important to understand naming conventions which are sparse unfortunately: - python: lower case with underscores ie. ``max_values``, - HTML attributes: lower case with dashes ie. ``data-max-values``, - javascript: camel case, ie. ``maxValues``. The python to HTML name conversion is done by the autocomplete_light_data_attributes template filter. The HTML to javascript name conversion is done by the jquery plugin. .. py:attribute:: autocomplete_js_attributes **DEPRECATED** in favor of :py:attr::`attrs`. A dict of options like for :py:attr:`widget_js_attributes`. However, note that HTML attributes will be prefixed by ``data-autocomplete-`` instead of just ``data-``. This allows the jQuery plugins to make the distinction between attributes for the autocomplete instance and attributes for the widget instance. .. py:attribute:: extra_context Extra context dict to pass to the template. .. py:attribute:: widget_template Template to use to render the widget. Default is ``autocomplete_light/widget.html``. """ def __init__(self, autocomplete=None, widget_js_attributes=None, autocomplete_js_attributes=None, extra_context=None, registry=None, widget_template=None, widget_attrs=None): self._registry = registry self._autocomplete = None self.autocomplete_arg = autocomplete self.widget_js_attributes = widget_js_attributes or {} self.autocomplete_js_attributes = autocomplete_js_attributes or {} self.extra_context = extra_context or {} self.widget_template = (widget_template or 'autocomplete_light/widget.html') self.widget_attrs = widget_attrs or {} if autocomplete_js_attributes is not None: raise PendingDeprecationWarning('autocomplete_js_attributes are' 'deprecated in favor of attrs') if widget_js_attributes is not None: raise PendingDeprecationWarning('widget_js_attributes are' 'deprecated in favor of widget_attrs') @property def registry(self): if self._registry is None: from autocomplete_light.registry import registry self._registry = registry return self._registry def render(self, name, value, attrs=None): widget_attrs = self.build_widget_attrs(name) autocomplete = self.autocomplete(values=value) attrs = self.build_attrs(attrs, autocomplete=autocomplete) self.html_id = attrs.pop('id', name) choices = autocomplete.choices_for_values() values = [autocomplete.choice_value(c) for c in choices] context = { 'name': name, 'values': values, 'choices': choices, 'widget': self, 'attrs': safestring.mark_safe(flatatt(attrs)), 'widget_attrs': safestring.mark_safe(flatatt(widget_attrs)), 'autocomplete': autocomplete, } context.update(self.extra_context) template = getattr(autocomplete, 'widget_template', self.widget_template) return safestring.mark_safe(render_to_string(template, context)) def build_attrs(self, extra_attrs=None, autocomplete=None, **kwargs): self.attrs.update(getattr(autocomplete, 'attrs', {})) attrs = super(WidgetBase, self).build_attrs(extra_attrs, **kwargs) if 'class' not in attrs.keys(): attrs['class'] = '' attrs['class'] += ' autocomplete vTextField' attrs.setdefault('data-autocomplete-choice-selector', '[data-value]') attrs.setdefault('data-autocomplete-url', self.autocomplete().get_absolute_url()) attrs.setdefault('placeholder', _( 'type some text to search in this autocomplete')) # for backward compatibility for key, value in self.autocomplete_js_attributes.items(): attrs['data-autocomplete-%s' % key.replace('_', '-')] = value return attrs def build_widget_attrs(self, name=None): attrs = getattr(self.autocomplete, 'widget_attrs', {}).copy() attrs.update(self.widget_attrs) if 'class' not in attrs: attrs['class'] = '' attrs.setdefault('data-widget-bootstrap', 'normal') # for backward compatibility for key, value in self.autocomplete_js_attributes.items(): attrs['data-widget-%s' % key.replace('_', '-')] = value attrs['class'] += ' autocomplete-light-widget ' if name: attrs['class'] += name if attrs.get('data-widget-maximum-values', 0) == 1: attrs['class'] += ' single' else: attrs['class'] += ' multiple' return attrs def autocomplete(): def fget(self): if not self._autocomplete: self._autocomplete = self.registry.get_autocomplete_from_arg( self.autocomplete_arg) return self._autocomplete def fset(self, value): self._autocomplete = value self.autocomplete_name = value.__class__.__name__ return {'fget': fget, 'fset': fset} autocomplete = property(**autocomplete())
[docs]class ChoiceWidget(WidgetBase, forms.Select): """ Widget that provides an autocomplete for zero to one choice. """ def __init__(self, autocomplete=None, widget_js_attributes=None, autocomplete_js_attributes=None, extra_context=None, registry=None, widget_template=None, widget_attrs=None, *args, **kwargs): forms.Select.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) WidgetBase.__init__(self, autocomplete, widget_js_attributes, autocomplete_js_attributes, extra_context, registry, widget_template, widget_attrs) self.widget_attrs.setdefault('data-widget-maximum-values', 1)
[docs]class MultipleChoiceWidget(WidgetBase, forms.SelectMultiple): """ Widget that provides an autocomplete for zero to n choices. """ def __init__(self, autocomplete=None, widget_js_attributes=None, autocomplete_js_attributes=None, extra_context=None, registry=None, widget_template=None, widget_attrs=None, *args, **kwargs): forms.SelectMultiple.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) WidgetBase.__init__(self, autocomplete, widget_js_attributes, autocomplete_js_attributes, extra_context, registry, widget_template, widget_attrs)
[docs]class TextWidget(WidgetBase, forms.TextInput): """ Widget that just adds an autocomplete to fill a text input. Note that it only renders an ``<input>``, so attrs and widget_attrs are merged together. """ def __init__(self, autocomplete=None, widget_js_attributes=None, autocomplete_js_attributes=None, extra_context=None, registry=None, widget_template=None, widget_attrs=None, *args, **kwargs): forms.TextInput.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) WidgetBase.__init__(self, autocomplete, widget_js_attributes, autocomplete_js_attributes, extra_context, registry, widget_template, widget_attrs)
[docs] def render(self, name, value, attrs=None): """ Proxy Django's TextInput.render() """ autocomplete = self.autocomplete(values=value) attrs = self.build_attrs(attrs, autocomplete=autocomplete) return forms.TextInput.render(self, name, value, attrs)
def build_attrs(self, extra_attrs=None, autocomplete=None, **kwargs): attrs = super(TextWidget, self).build_widget_attrs() attrs.update(super(TextWidget, self).build_attrs( extra_attrs, **kwargs)) attrs.update(getattr(autocomplete, 'attrs', {})) def update_attrs(source, prefix=''): for key, value in source.items(): key = 'data-%s%s' % (prefix, key.replace('_', '-')) attrs[key] = value update_attrs(self.widget_js_attributes, 'widget-') update_attrs(self.autocomplete_js_attributes, 'autocomplete-') attrs['data-widget-bootstrap'] = 'text' attrs['class'] += ' autocomplete-light-text-widget' return attrs